Categories: Magento

Above the Fold is the first section of the web page that visitors see on your ecommerce site. This top section of the webpage is what the user sees without scrolling. This is very important to eCommerce because this area often determines whether a visitor stays or navigates to another site. It should have important information such as links to product pages, cart, checkout and any other element that will help to convert this user into a customer.

Here are some key components that should be above the fold on an ecommerce webpage.

  • Navigational links and a search box.
  • Sales and special offers, such as free delivery.
  • Shopping cart information
  • Links to product pages
  • Product images.
  • Relevant keywords for key products.
  • Informative information.
  • Product videos.
  • Your store phone number

On Magento®eCommerce web pages, for example, product pages should have these and other key components and links located above the fold.

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Above the Fold
Definition of "Above the Fold" by Chat GPT: "Above the fold" is a term used in web design to describe the content that is visible on a webpage without the need for scrolling. This content is immediately visible to users when they first load the page, typically located at the top portion of the webpage. The term originates from newspapers where the most important headlines and content are often placed on the top half of the front page, which is visible when the newspaper is folded.
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