You will find a ‘Sticky Topic’, generally called a ‘Sticky’, at the top of a message-board, usually containing pertinent information or Q&As to previously over-asked questions, for sake of keeping the board running relatively smoothly. On some-sites’ boards, it is required that as a new user you read the Sticky rules by clicking into the Sticky Topic before posting, so as to dissuade spam posting and such. Note that there can be more than one Sticky Topic for any given board, though usually one alone covers all utmost essential info that need be said.

Cm Answer administrator can define any question to be “Sticky” and therefor to appear on the top part of the forum

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Definition of "Sticky" by Chat GPT: "Sticky" is a term typically used to describe something that adheres or clings firmly to a surface. In a more metaphorical sense, it can be used to describe something that is difficult to get rid of or escape from, such as a challenging problem or situation.
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